Friday, November 23, 2012

Men Suffrage

Got in a funny discussion with my sister about men suffrage so I thought about making a design in a retro poster to support men suffrage. How the tables have turned, and now my brothers we must band together to promote equality for all men. Equality now!

Got most of the "ink" drawing done. Now I just need to add some textures and feminist groups here I come!

Added some textures and on a paper background using Photoshop. Used erase tool with a grudge brush to show wear and tear.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Threadless Spiderman Villians Challenge

Working on a new Threadless Challenge for Spider-Man and Arch enemies. This project is a bit interesting as it is a collaborative work with a friend of mine, Steve Burpee. Steve is providing me the "idea" as seen with his sketch down here:

Though the composition wasn't appropriate enough for a T-shirt design so I made some mods in this thumbnail:

Working with a tight deadline as I only found about it last Saturday. All submissions are due this Thursday by 12:00 PM. Working on a tight sketch today and maybe start rendering tonight.


Yes! Threadless extended the deadline till Nov. 15. Worked on a tighter sketch; however I usually figure things as I start rendering which I'm doing today!

Got pretty much the image done with some tweaking. Here are some color studies of the image. Talk to my buddy Steve who originally design the image to come up with at title. "Squash the Wall Crawler!" Nice.

Steve and I think a green scheme works the best. Here's a sample of me playing with textures:

Getting closer to completion. Added textures and erased with a grunge brush:

Better in black (maybe?):

Just got my t-shirt design accepted by Threadless. Check it out:

Here's the final design: