Thursday, February 14, 2019

TOMY Disney Share the Smiles App


Rendered illustrations used for #TOMY #Disney #Mickey and #MinnieMouse 3-in-1 Potty System. It is app for child development.

Roger Andrews proved the line work; I just render them to color/vector.

Disclaimer: All images belong to TOMY and Disney.

Check it out:

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Judge YES Network Promo


Awhile back I help rendered the illustrations of #RogerAndrews for #NewYorkYankee's #AaronJudge for the #YESNetwork which won an #EmmyAward.

Disclaimer: Images and video belongs to the YES Network.

Check it out.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Independant film "KevCoin" poster


Awhile back, I was hired to create a poster for an independent movie called "KevCoin: The Movie" back in 2018. Basically, it's about a director trying to create a comedy film about cryptocurrency.

They wanted a style similar to #InvaderZim.

 Here's a link to their website.

Disclaimer: All rights and ownership belong One Light Productions.

Works for Hasbro


Thought I'd shared some work I did for #Hasbro a few years ago for their #MighyMugs line. These were concept works that were never put into production. I work with an artist #RogerAndrews and help render these.

There's plenty of other cool stuff I did for Hasbro, but unfortunately I can't show them just quite yet.