Thursday, October 18, 2018

Enviroment study "Breath of the Wild"


Starting to add color to the image. Jeremy states after using a overlay layer for a warm tone he directly applies paint (separate layer). I'm finding this counter productive as I thought the intent was to have the undertone was still suppose to show, however I'm going to try to reproduce using his method. I'm already discovering a lot of new approaches to painting through his tutorial.


Minor adjustments to the vegetation. I'm thinking Jeremy using a combination of scatter in the brush presets as well as disabling the brush pressure sensitive next to opacity on the to toolbar to get the more opaque look he achieves.

Now adding warm tones to unify the piece (plus this is what #JermeyFenske did) on a overlay layer. Next is adding color directly to image.


For some time I've been meaning to do a environmental study using the undertone method used by may concept artist. I'm using #JeremyFenske painting to understand the coloring process.

Here's my work in progress so far.

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